Hosted by Cecily and Linds
Ok, it has been a very long time since I put any of Javin's pictures up. It is not that he hasn't been very prolific in photo taking, it is just that they have been downloaded to Aaron's computer, making it harder for me to access them! With out further adieu, here is one or two of his best in the recent past pictures!
Most of these, Ok all of them are from our recent trip to Glacier National Park. He loved it there and continually begs to go campin' again.

As you can see, his images are getting much better. Now that he is using a camera that has a working view screen and he can actually tell what he is capturing, he can take a pretty decent photo. He still gets his finger on the lens on occasion, but for the most part he is intently trying to capture the things that interest him!
I wish I could let him fill you in on what he was thinking when he took them, but beings that he is only 3 and a half and can't write you get my interpretations!